Are you searching for the cheapest auto insurance quote? You know the one that's hard to get. If so in this article we will show you where that cheap auto insurance quote is, what you must do to get it and bring relief to your budget and put a smile on your face.
I don't know about you but having some extra bucks at the end of the month sure beats the empty pocket syndrome and puts a smile back on an otherwise gloomy scenario.
Depending on what type of automobile and insurance you have, you could save anywhere from twenty to thirty dollars a month up to hundreds a month and that can put a smile on any ones face.
The big problem is that it's not that simple to get that coveted cheapest auto insurance quote. Most online auto insurance quote sites will not give you that lowest quote.
Online Insurance Quote Sites
These sites are set up to give you fast quotes, not low low quotes. The lowest quotes can only come from your local agents. Online sites can only give out the standard quotes that are stored in their data base and believe me they don't put the cheapest vehicle insurance quotes in those data bases.
What they do put in their data base are their regular rates and I don't care how hard you try to get that low rate from them, they just can't give it to you because their data base doesn't contain it. So where do you get that cheap auto insurance quote?
That cheapest auto insurance quote is only available from the local agent and they do not like giving out that cheapest Quote. You have to force them to give you that low, low rate.
For a local agent to give that coveted cheapest car insurance quote he has to give up some or all of his return on that policy. That is something the local agent does not like to do, unless he is forced to.
How Do You Force The Local Agent To Give The Cheapest Quote?
Unless the local car insurance agent is your brother-in-law you have to get him to compete against other local agents to get that in demand cheapest quote. Just walking into his office and telling him or one of his agents that you're getting quotes for your car insurance won't get you that cheapest rate.
Every one who walks into the
agency says they are going around getting quotes but in reality only about 5% actually run around from agency to agency getting quotes because it's a big hassle to say the least. The person you need to see is usually not available. You end up spending a huge amount of time, accomplish very little and become frustrated and quit.
The agent will take that gamble that your one of the 95% that quit and take the rate that he quoted. He'll lose 5% but what he makes on the quitting 95% sure makes up for his loss.
Force the local car insurance agent to Compete
Your local agent does not want you to get your auto insurance from the agent down the street. They might be best friends at the local chamber meeting but get them competing for you car insurance business and they will do what ever is necessary to get your business. They will!
Insurance agents derive their money on residuals - Money that automatically comes to the agent from policies that automatically renew each year. They know that most people having gotten a great deal that first year will automatically renew every year thereafter with out shopping for that low quote, and that's where the agent makes their money, year after year.
Unless that Local agent knows they are competing, You won't get that lowest quote. Here's the secret to getting that cheapest quote from the local car insurance agent.
One Form, 6 or 7 Local Agents = Instant Competition!
Why not go to a web site where you can fill out that one form, it gets faxed to the local agents where you set in motion a system that guarantees you receive the cheapest auto insurance quote. Here's what will take place.
You answer a few questions that the agents need to know to give you the lowest quotes.
That quote request is faxed to 6 or 7 of the sharpest local agents in your surrounding area. These are agents that will fight for your business and are willing to do what ever is necessary to get your business.
They contact you directly in a few hours with those low low quotes. Cheap because they know when they receive your quote request that their competition received that request also. They know what they must do to get your business.
All you need do is wait a few hours because those auto insurance agent are bringing you some of the lowest car insurance rates you have ever seen. Just pick out the one you like the best and you have assured yourself that you have received the cheapest auto insurance quote possible.
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