If you are looking for a quick auto insurance quote online, you will find a multitude of auto insurance companies on the internet offering you exactly what you are looking for. Such is the speed of internet transactions that some companies can provide you with a full certificate of insurance within 20 minutes of you logging onto their website.
Online auto coverage is exactly the same as what you get offline, and just because it is obtained from the internet doe not make it any the less legal or valid. If you have to tax your car or get it on the road quickly, then this is the way to go. However, unless you are clever, it will not provide you with one of the main benefits of using online car insurance engines for your quotations: the ability to compare the prices of a large number of auto insurers in a relatively short period of time.
Before the internet, getting car insurance quotations was a long and convoluted business. There were three ways to do it:
You could pick up a telephone and ask for a quotation. There were no free calls then, and this cost you money. You would patiently answer the representative's questions until all the information required had been compiled, and then might, if you were lucky, be given a quotation over the phone. Generally, however, it was sent my mail - snail mail, not email. 'Quick' in these days was within 48 hours.
Alternatively, you could be sent an application form that you would fill in using a black pen (had to be black because blue doesn't photocopy well). You would then post the completed form back to the insurance company and wait a few weeks till the quotation was posted back to you. If you were unlucky it would come back with a note that you had failed to tick a box.
Thirdly, you could physically visit the insurance office after making an appointment, and fill in the form there or have somebody
do it for you. You would then normally be given a quotation after waiting a while for the price to be calculated, or if you were unlucky you would be told it would be posted to you.
Imagine the problems you would have in comparing a dozen different quotations using any of these systems. Using the internet you can get an automobile insurance policy in 20 minutes, and be able to check out the full insuring agreement before confirming and paying for it. A quick auto insurance quote online is now old hat, and people have forgotten how difficult it used to be. However, the best way to use online quotes is to compare the auto insurance rates of a number of providers prior to making a decision.
The insurance rates for private passenger autos vary according the various options that you want. You might want to insure for more than the state liability minimum, or buy some extra such as personal injury protection or comprehensive cover. Each different company has its own rates for these options, so it is important that if you want the cheapest policy you can get, then you should get quotations from a number of companies, providing each with the same information for a true comparison of prices.
Unlike the old days when people had to take the time to prepare auto insurance quotes for you, and manually calculate the cost of each individual component, your quotation is now prepared by the computer itself, quickly and instantly. In these days you paid for the quotation due to the people's time involved, and you tended not to carry out too many comparisons. Now, however, you can a free car insurance quote online from as many companies as you want in the time it takes to fill in the form (5 minutes top).
You can then compare them all, and either make your choice immediately or chose three or four with which to carry out further negotiations in order to get the price down even further. However, that all takes time and if it is a genuinely quick auto insurance quote online that you want, then it would still be quick to compare three or four and choose the best from that. You don't have to restrict yourself to just the one.
(c) Copyright 2008 - Brent A. Kenny.
This extraordinary resource has information on everything from the most important auto insurance terms to practical advice for finding car insurance right policy, how to choose your coverage and important tips for avoiding mistakes when buying car insurance, through to alternative ways of conducting market research.
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